Content Review Statistics

Welcome to ModelFolio content review area. Every month, our screeners review thousands of images, and hundreds of new members. While you see the front end, the result of everything we approve, our aim is to provide a bit of transparency behind the numbers of what ModelFolio

New Members

In the past 30 days, our screeners have reviewed 334 new members. The screeners have cast 626 votes for these members, of which 530 were to approve and 96 were to reject

Irrelevant images30
Not enough images19
Too little profile info0
No "about me"0
Copyright infringement4
Modelling agency, agent or scout1
Under age0
Low quality content4
Non modelling imagery10
Email as username6

New Media

In the past 30 days, our screeners have reviewed 4,451 new images and videos. The screeners have cast 15,820 votes for this media, of which 10,656 were to approve, 4,596 were to reject, and 568 were passed for further review.

Low quality554
Content quality1,339
Non-artistic nudity236
Copyright infringement107
Incorrectly rotated71

Member Reports

In the past 30 days, we've reviewed 436 reports, of which 0 resulted in member bans.

Inappropriate or Offensive130
Profile is empty10
Fake Profile4230
This person is annoying me20
Spam or Scam60

Media Reports

In the past 30 days, we've reviewed 98 reports, of which 33 resulted in media removal.

Copyright Issue132
Sexually Explicit4119
Non Modelling30
Low Quality50
Non Artistic Nudity139
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