Development Corner

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This Weeks Site Update Roundup WC 22nd Feb
Posted on Monday 22nd of February 2016 • 1 minute read • Read 1402 times • 0 comments
Less updates this week, but the updates are generally bigger in size/commitment!


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This Weeks Site Update Roundup WC 17th Feb
Posted on Wednesday 17th of February 2016 • 2 minute read • Read 1340 times • 0 comments
Every week I'm going to round up the latest site updates on the site developments blog :) So, lets crack...
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Infinite Scroll Member Listings
Posted on Saturday 13th of February 2016 • 0 minute read • Read 1260 times • 0 comments
Our member listing pages have today been updated to utilise "infinite scroll". This means theres no annoying pagination, you can...
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Our new homepage
Posted on Sunday 7th of February 2016 • 0 minute read • Read 1194 times • 0 comments
Check it out - our new home page is now live! Designed to maximize the exposure our starred images get,...
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Casting Call Updates
Posted on Tuesday 19th of January 2016 • 1 minute read • Read 1336 times • 0 comments
Today, we've unveiled an all updated castings section!

So, whats new?...

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Become a Verified Member
Posted on Sunday 25th of October 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1375 times • 0 comments


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Hiding your online status
Posted on Sunday 16th of August 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1423 times • 0 comments
You can now hide your online status, which includes the little green dot and the "last active" time on your...
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Updated modelling levels page
Posted on Sunday 10th of May 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1655 times • 0 comments
For the past few years we've had a page dedicated to modelling levels, and decoding exactly what they mean. ...
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AvsB goes mobile
Posted on Wednesday 29th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1337 times • 0 comments
You can now play A-vs-B wherever you are, on your mobile.


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Changing your username and forum post previews
Posted on Monday 27th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1327 times • 0 comments
With several username change requests, its now been updated so that you can change your username by going to You...
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Member stats and tattoo filters
Posted on Sunday 26th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1240 times • 0 comments
By popular request, today a tattoo filter has been added to the member search engine, so you can quickly and...
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MadcowModels Logo and Text link for your site
Posted on Sunday 19th of April 2015 • 1 minute read • Read 1493 times • 0 comments
You can now link back to your profile, or the site as a whole, using a smaller square MadcowModels logo...
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The most liked images on MadcowModels
Posted on Saturday 18th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1367 times • 0 comments
The images uploaded to MadcowModels receive hundreds of likes every single day, and now you can see which images have...
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Add your twitter handle!
Posted on Wednesday 15th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1242 times • 0 comments
You can now save your twitter handle to your profile by going to You > Options > Fill...
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Chat panel update enter to send
Posted on Saturday 11th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1184 times • 0 comments
The chat feature has been updated to make things a little easier. Clicking "Enter" on your keyboard will now instantly...
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Member follow ups
Posted on Saturday 11th of April 2015 • 1 minute read • Read 1298 times • 0 comments
Need to keep tabs on when to chase a member up about a shoot? Or need to set a reminder...
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Forum Thread Updates
Posted on Thursday 9th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1339 times • 0 comments
Previously when submitting a post you would have to reload the page to add another post. Now the thread form...
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Google Reverse Image Search
Posted on Thursday 9th of April 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1355 times • 0 comments
We've just introduced the ability to reverse image search your images straight from the gallery page, and photo manager. ...
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Under the hood updates
Posted on Monday 9th of March 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1215 times • 0 comments
As well as the new database server, I've been working on a few updates over the past few days to...
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Competition winners
Posted on Sunday 8th of March 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1161 times • 0 comments
From member feedback, I've decided to expand the competitions so that now if there is a tie both members will...
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Image and casting nudity selectors
Posted on Wednesday 4th of February 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1499 times • 0 comments
The image nudity selector, and casting adult selectors have been changed to "on" by default.

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Private browsing
Posted on Friday 30th of January 2015 • 0 minute read • Read 1447 times • 0 comments
Well.. its been a while since using the blog publisher!


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Popup image viewer updates
Posted on Thursday 29th of August 2013 • 1 minute read • Read 1590 times • 0 comments
The popup image viewer has received a few updates, and fixes.


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Unlimited photos for TopMembers
Posted on Sunday 16th of June 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1611 times • 0 comments
Up from the previous limit of 1,000 images, TopMembers can now upload an unlimited amount of photos to their MadcowModels...
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Security updates and upgrades
Posted on Sunday 16th of June 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1452 times • 0 comments
[subheader]Pass Phrase[/subheader]
We've just introduced a Pass Phrase feature, to add another layer of security to...

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Homepage more links
Posted on Thursday 25th of April 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1426 times • 0 comments
The homepage has been updated, each section now has a "More" link under it. Clicking that link will slidedown some...
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Comment Replies
Posted on Wednesday 24th of April 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1532 times • 0 comments
Each and every comment now has a "Reply" link, near the +1 and comment time. Clicking this will add that...
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Castings for you
Posted on Tuesday 19th of March 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1450 times • 0 comments
Castings for you is a new section of the Castings area, which takes a look at several criteria - such...
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Master Watermark Option and more
Posted on Tuesday 19th of March 2013 • 1 minute read • Read 1375 times • 0 comments
You can now set a master watermark preference, which will be included in all your...

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Weekly Update
Posted on Tuesday 19th of March 2013 • 0 minute read • Read 1652 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
Apologies, I've neglected updating the developments blog for a while.. I'll try and remind myself to fill it in more...
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Message drafts
Posted on Saturday 15th of September 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1473 times • 0 comments
Its such a pain to write a really long message, click send, and oops - you've logged out.
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Image watermarks
Posted on Friday 31st of August 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 1658 times • 0 comments
Your images security is very important to MadcowModels, and so we now offer the ability to quickly and easily overlay...
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Similar castings
Posted on Thursday 30th of August 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1646 times • 0 comments
Casting Discovery is something I'm heavily focusing on at the moment, and the castings detail page has been updated to...
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Message panel hover over
Posted on Tuesday 21st of August 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1455 times • 0 comments
The "Messages" link has been moved from the "You" sub-menu to the main menu of MadcowModels, and the Hover Over...
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Automatic monthly subscription
Posted on Monday 20th of August 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1535 times • 0 comments
You can now upgrade to TopMembership with an automatic monthly subscription, so you'll never have to go through the upgrade...
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A vs B arrow clicks
Posted on Saturday 11th of August 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1443 times • 0 comments
You can now vote for images on A-vs-B by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

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Landscape orientated images and AvsB info
Posted on Saturday 11th of August 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1470 times • 0 comments
Previously, wide images were scaled down to fit within the column that tall images fit in. Today this was updated,...
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Photography and modelling news articles
Posted on Thursday 26th of July 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1805 times • 0 comments
On the right hand side of your control panel is a new news and articles panel, displaying the latest news...
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Posted on Tuesday 10th of July 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1447 times • 0 comments
MadcowModels Chat enables you to keep your conversations going, without requiring you to be on the conversation page. So, you...
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Group Messaging
Posted on Wednesday 27th of June 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 1432 times • 0 comments
Messaging on MadcowModels has just got even better, with the introduction of Group Messaging!

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Performance and page load updates
Posted on Thursday 21st of June 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1483 times • 0 comments
Over the past few days, I've been working on page speed and other performance updates.

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Members planner
Posted on Saturday 16th of June 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 2028 times • 0 comments
Keep track of all of your upcoming photoshoots with your very own feature packed planner

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Next and previous arrow keys on results and photo pages
Posted on Tuesday 12th of June 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 3414 times • 0 comments
On certain pages around MadcowModels, you can now use your left and right arrow keys to navigate and change pages....
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Organise your photos in photo albums
Posted on Saturday 5th of May 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 2240 times • 0 comments
You can now organise your photos on MadcowModels into photo albums!

To provide you with...

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Spell checker
Posted on Monday 30th of April 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 2139 times • 0 comments
Although many modern browsers have a spell checker built in, quite a few people have this turned off by default....
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Refer a friend referrals status
Posted on Sunday 8th of April 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1745 times • 0 comments
The referral page ( ) has been updated to now include the status of any...
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Saved member lists
Posted on Thursday 5th of April 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 2340 times • 0 comments
You can now create lists and categorise your saved members into them, making it easier to keep track of each...
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Rotate images
Posted on Tuesday 3rd of April 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1480 times • 0 comments
If you've uploaded any images and they are orientated incorrectly, you can now rotate them by going to Your control...
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MadcowModels Shop!
Posted on Wednesday 28th of March 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1497 times • 0 comments
Today, we've pulled the wraps off our new shop!

In association...

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Mobile website blank page fix
Posted on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1990 times • 0 comments
Some members were experiencing blank pages when trying to access the mobile website ( )...
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Updated advert system
Posted on Monday 5th of March 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 2149 times • 0 comments
Whether you have your own business to advertise, a blog, or even just want to advertise your own portfolio, you...
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Rebuilt dialog boxes and image statistics
Posted on Wednesday 8th of February 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 2060 times • 0 comments
There were several underlying bugs in the previous dialog/popup boxes. I've rebuilt the dialog boxes to remove the bugs, and...
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Control panel updates filter
Posted on Saturday 4th of February 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1628 times • 0 comments
You can now filter the updates you see on your control panel, by going to "Your control panel" - "Your...
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Photos uploaded on a specific date
Posted on Tuesday 31st of January 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1968 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
So you've clicked a link that says "Joe Bloggs has uploaded x photos today", which is great, except if they...
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Photo albums and message emails
Posted on Friday 6th of January 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 2401 times • 0 comments
[subheader]Create your own photo albums[/subheader]
Albums are the new way to save and organise photos on...

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Go mobile with MadcowModels
Posted on Tuesday 3rd of January 2012 • 1 minute read • Read 3452 times • 0 comments
Looking to use MadcowModels on your phone?

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Non modelling photo category
Posted on Tuesday 3rd of January 2012 • 0 minute read • Read 1966 times • 0 comments
For new photographers, who haven't yet photographed a model, we allow them to upload a maximum of 2 non-modelling photos...
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Messaging updates
Posted on Thursday 29th of December 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 2182 times • 0 comments
The message/conversation page has recently been updated, to a neater version which also provides a lot more information about the...
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Plus one
Posted on Sunday 18th of December 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1950 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
+1, or Plus one. The new link above all forum posts, and on all comments around the site allows you...
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Your messages dropdown and hovercard redesign
Posted on Tuesday 13th of December 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1774 times • 0 comments
[subheader]Message Dropdown[/subheader]
Tried hovering over the "Your Messages" link at the top of the page? Hovering...

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Members choice photo
Posted on Friday 9th of December 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 2145 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We've had the Editors Choice on the home page for about 18 months now, and now we have Members Choice....
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Education centre youtube and photo nudity
Posted on Sunday 4th of December 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 2195 times • 0 comments
[subheader]Education Centre[/subheader]
For many months I've mentioned in the forums that I'm interested in building an...

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Online Icon
Posted on Thursday 1st of December 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1565 times • 0 comments
All around the site you will now be seeing little green dots ( [img][/img] ) ...
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Christmas header and home page snow
Posted on Thursday 1st of December 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1735 times • 0 comments
December is here, and there's no denying that Christmas is rapidly approaching.
Each year we do...

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Photo policy updates
Posted on Friday 18th of November 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1769 times • 0 comments
We've always been fairly relaxed with the photos uploaded to MadcowModels, both in quality and content.

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New photo categories and site header update
Posted on Thursday 10th of November 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1607 times • 0 comments
A few new updates today!

[subheader]Photo Categories[/subheader]

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Your work styles and rates
Posted on Tuesday 8th of November 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 2490 times • 0 comments
"What are your rates?" is most commonly the first message between a photographer and model. Often you may just want...
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Response Rate Update
Posted on Thursday 3rd of November 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1539 times • 0 comments
The thread in the forums about the response rate provided a lot of good feedback.

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Comment system rollout
Posted on Tuesday 25th of October 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1670 times • 0 comments | Posted by james
Today, the comment system has been rolled out to another area of the site, and merged with another system. ...
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Changes to the visibility of adult rated images
Posted on Wednesday 19th of October 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1605 times • 0 comments
We currently have a work safe mode feature which if switched on, doesn't allow you to view adult rated images....
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Instant email notifications for new castings
Posted on Friday 16th of September 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1970 times • 0 comments
Members can now receive instant email notifications for new casting calls added to MadcowModels!

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Updated statistics section
Posted on Wednesday 7th of September 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 2159 times • 0 comments
The statistics page for your profile and photos has been updated.


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Saved user notes and activity
Posted on Friday 2nd of September 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1907 times • 0 comments
Although not a new feature, as it was always available through your "Saved Users" (
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Request feedback from non members
Posted on Wednesday 24th of August 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1577 times • 0 comments
You can now get feedback from people you've worked with who are not members of MadcowModels!

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Article and blog comments
Posted on Monday 22nd of August 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 2190 times • 0 comments
We've introduced the ability to comment of articles and blogs, enabling you to give us feedback on the blogs, and...
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Search engine and tagging auto complete
Posted on Sunday 7th of August 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1455 times • 0 comments
Today we added an "autocomplete" for the search engine and tagging system.


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Updated Member Search Engine
Posted on Saturday 6th of August 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1568 times • 0 comments
We've just launched the new member search engine:

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New work styles
Posted on Wednesday 3rd of August 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1578 times • 0 comments
We've just added several new work styles, they are:

Catalogue ...

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Gift a Membership
Posted on Wednesday 3rd of August 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1513 times • 0 comments
So, you've just worked with a member and now they can't display those brilliant photos on their profile, simply because...
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Front Page Updates
Posted on Monday 11th of July 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1609 times • 0 comments
As you may well have noticed, we have updated the front page of MadcowModels.

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Photo organising editor
Posted on Saturday 2nd of July 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 2034 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
One of the most requested features is the ability to order/organise your photos, and today we've just launched the ability...
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Profile Preapproval Check List
Posted on Saturday 25th of June 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1604 times • 0 comments
When a new member signs up, and logs into their control panel, they will now see a checklist of things...
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New forum layout
Posted on Monday 13th of June 2011 • 2 minute read • Read 1589 times • 0 comments
The new forum layout has gone live..!

So, whats changed? ...

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The DarkRoom
Posted on Saturday 11th of June 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1586 times • 0 comments
Bigger images = bigger impact, which is why we would like to introduce to you..

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Members message response rate
Posted on Wednesday 8th of June 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1623 times • 0 comments
All members profiles on MadcowModels now display the members message response rate.


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Message Sending and Log in Slowness
Posted on Monday 6th of June 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1522 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
Several new updates for you..

[subheader]Message Sending[/subheader]

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Suggest new photo categories and modeling work styles
Posted on Thursday 2nd of June 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1643 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
With more and more photos being uploaded, and many more members signing up every day, we're hoping to add more...
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Messages emails and urls
Posted on Tuesday 31st of May 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1533 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We have recently changed our policy regarding email addresses and website urls in messages between members.

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Link to us and Profile card
Posted on Sunday 29th of May 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 5796 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We've just introduced several new ways to link to us, as well as a few profile sharing updates..
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New Search Engine
Posted on Sunday 22nd of May 2011 • 2 minute read • Read 1652 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We understand that no one likes sudden change, no one likes to log on and find a website has been...
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Stay logged in and casting call reply
Posted on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1925 times • 0 comments

We've introduced a few new updates..

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Subscribe for your weekly email update
Posted on Sunday 15th of May 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1568 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
As some may already know, we have a daily email update - mainly for those looking to respond quickly to...
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Show More Alerts
Posted on Friday 13th of May 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1429 times • 0 comments | Posted by james
Probably not the most exciting update for non-members, but now when you're logged in you can view more of your...
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Members Recently Online
Posted on Thursday 12th of May 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1548 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
At the bottom of the home page is a new feature showing which members were recently online.

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Website modeling and photography glossary
Posted on Thursday 5th of May 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1491 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We've compiled a small glossary of terms used within the modeling and photographic industry. We understand that becoming a part...
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Work Safe Mode
Posted on Wednesday 27th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 7027 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
We've just introduced a work safe mode on MadcowModels.

Work Safe...

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Tagged Photos Gallery
Posted on Sunday 24th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1596 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
If you have been tagged in any photos by other members on MadcowModels, these will now appear in your "Tagged...
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New About Us page
Posted on Tuesday 12th of April 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1919 times • 0 comments
A new "About us" page has been written and published on the footer of the website, detailing some information about...
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New articles section and updated header footer
Posted on Monday 11th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 2902 times • 0 comments
The new articles section is now live!

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Photo tag alerts
Posted on Sunday 10th of April 2011 • 0 minute read • Read 1593 times • 0 comments
Now when a member tags you in a photo, you will be alerted on your Control Panel.

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Advertise your business
Posted on Friday 8th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1660 times • 0 comments
Do you own a business, or have a service to offer?


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The updated messaging system
Posted on Tuesday 5th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1567 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
The messaging system has recently been updated.. so whats new?


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New Profiles
Posted on Monday 4th of April 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1801 times • 0 comments | Posted by James
The new MadcowModels profile has arrived! So whats new?

[subheader]Tabbed Profiles[/subheader]...

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Daily email updates
Posted on Friday 18th of March 2011 • 1 minute read • Read 1630 times • 0 comments
Now you can get a daily email which updates you with the latest goings on, on MadcowModels.

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