Gauging interest for a dastardly plan...

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Started 2014-03-08T21:05:00+00:00
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I'm been thinking for a while that it might be interesting (if not ambitious) to try and tie in other parts of my non Photographic skill set to my Photography Projects and see what can be done.

I should start by explaining what else I do to provide context.

Among other various endeavours I am a Canyoning Guide/ Instructor and a White Water Rescue Operator. To put it simply, this involves taking clients into narrow and scenic river gorges to swim, climb and jump through the water features therein. Abseiling and cliff jumping are a major part. Canyoning is generally the only way to reach some of the areas that we navigate through which are always stunning. Deep crystal pools, high gorge walls and waterfalls that are otherwise inaccessible to the general wanderer.

Now for my plan.

I would like to take a model Canyoning for a shoot in one of these locations (yet to be decided, as there are a number of excellent choices). This trip would more than likely consist of myself, at the very least one Safety Op, the Model and maybe one other (chaperone, generally company etc etc). Be aware this plan is in its infancy however its really just a matter of wrangling the logistics to get everything in place. If you have read this far and still intrigued then I best tell you all what I will actually need.

Firstly I need to know who might be interested, since there is no point organising something like that unless there are people that would be willing. for those that are interested, you would have to fit the following criteria:

# Have proverbials of steel - Canyoning is awesome fun, but it is challenging and daunting to those who have never attempted such a thing.

# Be willing to travel, long distance possibly - I can't bring the mountain to you, you have to come to the mountain.

# Be willing to give up the entire day - depending on where it takes place, the entire thing could take upward of 6 hours including travel safety briefing and obviously the shoot, and thats not taking the travel time to get here into account.

# Be comfortable in the water and be comfortable with the cold - Even in summer, waters in the wide area where I am can be very cold, every effort will be made to make you as comfortable as possible but you'd be getting in the water at some point.

# Willing to work to at least Implied nude - This isn't me being pretentious or picky, it's simply the context of the shoot I wish to follow.

# Be comfortable with the above while in the presence of non Photography Industry people. They guy or girl that will be running safety won't be going behind a rock for decency, they are there to make sure that we keep you safe, that means keeping an eye on you. That is their sole purpose on the trip.

Now if you have still managed to read this far (all 3 of you I'm assuming) there are a couple of optional notes I'd put up. These are not deal breakers and I would not disregard a volunteer for not going along. I'll have my GoPro mounted while we are on the trip, if you feel happy having the actual shoot filmed then thats awesome. If you are willing to do Artistic nude, great but it is not a major problem. If you are willing to work TF or reduced rates for this then I will love you forever since the logistics alone are going to mount high.

There will be more details to follow as the plan takes shape but as it says in the title, this is gauging interest time.

Anyone that thinks this is a great idea feel free to drop me a line either here or via private message. The trip will not be taking place till the summer so there is plenty of time for all the soapy cats to be caught as it were.

For all those that managed to get to the bottom of the post, I thank you for your time.

Cookies for everyone!

(ps, this was a really fast post, excuse any typos)

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