A few updates..

Viewed 391 times
Started 2014-07-22T12:45:00+00:00
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Everyone should have received the email by now, however if you haven't, I've added it below :) Oh and please make sure you have [email protected] added to your email address book!


MadcowModels never stands still, we are always looking for ways to update, improve and introduce new features to the site to benefit you, the members. Over the past few weeks we've introduced a few new upgrades and features that we wanted to write to you and tell you about.

Images for you

Images for you is a new image listing section that displays images which we think, based on your "like" history, you may like. Every time you visit images for you the algorithm behind this section hunts through the entire site to find new images to show you.

You can find images for you here: www.madcowmodels.co.uk/interested_in (members only), or by hovering over "Images" on the site menu and clicking "Images for you".

Home image banner

The options for the home image banner have been expanded from Starred Images and Latest Images, to include Most Liked Images. This option will display the images that have been most liked by members over the previous week.
This option can be toggled by going to You > Your control panel > Options > Home page ribbon option

Shared folder resharing

Shared Folders enable you to quickly and easily share images and files with other members, whether these are the images from a shoot you've done together, or documentation for an upcoming shoot.

Shared Folders have now been updated to include a Reshare option. Resharing enables you to instantly reshare files with other members, so you only ever need to upload a file once. Resharing is available by clicking the "Reshare" link on any file you've uploaded to a Shared Folder.


Over the next few weeks I have a few other updates planned, including:

A statistics section - so you can see what, and how much, is going on around the site
A minor update to the homepage placing more focus on the castings lists
A bit of work on the Locations system - we've had this for about 3 years, and now I'd like to start building it up to recommend places to hold shoots.
A bit of work on the events system, so that it starts recommending events near you that you may be interested in
A new "Links" section for your profiles, including page summaries (Something suggested by @marlham a while back)
Adding the search system to the mobile website

Suggestions, as always, are welcome :)

Oh and one other thing that didn't make the email - a few new statistics pages have been added on You > Your control panel > View Stats. These include a total hits comparison of all of your images, and a past month hits comparison of all of your images.


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