What else do you do...?

Viewed 1120 times
Started 2015-05-03T12:52:00+00:00
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I've been pretty much totally inactive here recently due to live getting in the way and it got me wondering... What do you other members do other than photography/modelling?!

I work as a manager in a small call centre, which basically means I get to boss everyone else around. Its a funny sort of job, the company I work for sell 'psychic readings' over the telephone!!
I am also working towards a degree in Biology part time, as well as studying to get my qualifications to be a horse riding instructor :)
I obviously ride horses, i have 1 of my own and sometimes have a few to train. But at the moment I just have my horse to ride. I also have 50 little geckos, they take up a lot of time but i breed them and sell the babies :)
Then lastly I have the mutt. Shes awesome and comes everywhere with me, even to work sometimes!!!
I might add a few photos of some of the animals in a bit haha.
*edit* heres some pics of the pets haha.... if you ever message me and my reply is delayed, chances are im hanging out with this lot!!*

So! What do you do?!

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