Top Dog and No Credit . ?

Viewed 698 times
Started 2015-05-15T15:06:00+00:00
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Could some one Please explain the reasoning behind demonstrating a photographic image . Which indicates as taken by a camera owner / of a professional
persuasion, or a person with a semi /- title.
I can not fathom why so many people must use bragging rights yet Give no credit to the model , who often the victim of a, cold damp or wet, location , wearing hardly any clothes , and in quite often in a Public area , or are located dangling precariously with nothing but make-up on.
The camera owner is fully clothed warm and safe. Yet must take all the praise for the image. Rather cave man , or monkey beating the chest style .
I would go so far to say selfish , trumpet blowers whose ego are bigger than the j-pegs used to record the image.

Also Why do the female Nude photographs attract most interest . If I place a nude image with almost everything on display it registers a lot of hits. If I place an clothed image very little interest . Not Pussy Power as the models have been paid with a signed release . Is it just a free gaze at nudity.If so is it a refection of the collective who have this site as favourites.
I know I have not seen any models complain as such this is just an observation by me. Frankly it is holding back others to wanting to join this site.

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