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#47 of 51

Shot from 2016-04-08 Miss Mercury pinup shoot.

Now, this lady really knows how to do vintage, and she does it with style and panache. She arrived on the dot, properly prepared, with her hair and make-up done perfectly. She also had a case-load of beautifully made vintage corsetry - mostly What Katie Did - none of yer Anne Summers rubbish.

She also had some fabulous dresses and robes - though sadly we ran out of time to use them all. But she has promised to bring them next time. Seems there is a reasonable chance there will be a next time too. As luck would have it, although she is based in Brighton, it transpires that her mum lives just a couple of hundred metres down the road from my studio here in Hampshire.


Miss Mercury

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by waist it

This Vintage image was uploaded 2016-04-21T15:42:16+00:00



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