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Whipsnade, Central Bedfordshire, United Kingdom - 3584 mi away
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Online 2019-06-04T11:20:13+00:00

Posted on Tuesday 30th of January 2018
0 comments • Read 187 times • 1 minute read


An overview of the dance and requirements

in the early hours, a dispondent young man (evening suite) is walking home thru the streets and across a square. Becomes aware of a beautiful young woman sitting alone outside at a cafe table. He approaches her and asks her to dance. 

The dance will be a slow close waltz style followed by the cameras.

As they dance Around the deserted square, he becomes intoxicated and in love with her. As they dance the square dissolves into to a beautiful sparkling array of lights.

after the dance he leads her back to the cafe seat, they say goodbyes. he walks away but changes his mind, he turns around, the cafe is deserted and she is gone. ...almost


Her face hair and dress are beautiful.

she must be seductive engaging alluring and enigmatic

to be filmed in 2018 q2

dress to be made

In the order of 1, 3 or 3 evenings filming



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