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Redman 17

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Longham, Dorset, United Kingdom - 3510 mi away
83% Response Rate
Online 2023-03-27T14:07:57+00:00

Posted on Sunday 8th of November 2020
0 comments • Read 143 times • 1 minute read

Had an awesome fun shoot with LouiseRem today. The comms were fun and then meeting Louise for the shoot was like meeting an old friend.

The first thing you notice, apart from her height, are her stunning hazel eyes...

We had a quick chat to catch up on the shots we wanted and then down to work. Not that this was work as Louise requires very little in the way of direction and the shoot started to flow. We had a few laughs while having a quick tea break, which when driving home afterwards I recalled and made me giggle out loud not sure what other drivers thought as they drove by.

All too soon the shoot was over and goodness only knows where the time went. Most of what I wanted to shoot we managed to do but leaves us with some shots still to shoot...

I look forward impatiently to working with this stunning young lady again.

Thanks so much Louise for an awesome shoot.

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