Hi, thanks for looking at my page - I'm a Bristol-based photographer slowly getting back into shooting after quite a while out of it.
I dabbled in model photography and was on a few sites like this briefly in around 2011, which produced some of the images you see below, though full time study/work/life got in the way and only now just returning to it having recently bought a new digital SLR camera. Since April 2022 I have managed to add a bit more to my portfolio.
In the meantime I have curated an Instagram account dedicated mainly to my black & white film photography, which is probably in need of some more human subjects! I have a new one, @sometimesthelights.
Ideally, I'm looking to work with local people on collaborative projects or ideas, either for Instagram or portfolio building, and hopefully forming some sort of lasting rapport and forming a creative network of sorts. Definitely more interested in arty ideas, and pictures with some sort of point or meaning.
If you'd like to work together on something, I'm open to all ideas, so do get in contact and hopefully we can get creating.
P.S. - Please don't waste my time, of course hiccups happen from time to time but if you cancel shoots at short notice week after week you will have it appear in your references.