
Viewed 887 times
Started 2015-05-05T21:42:00+00:00
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Some photos I like. Some photos I don't like. I generally ignore the ones I don't like. Some images I comment on. Most I don't. I definitely don't comment on images I don't like. There's no point. More to the point, who gives a f*** if or why I don't like an image?

Very sensibly, someone on a forum somewhere, sometime made a rule that unsolicited critique was frowned upon. We have threads for critique and posting images there means they're fair game. What you don't do is offer critique in image comments.
If I do comment on an image I try to be objective. If there's an element that spoils an ogherwise good image (and bear in mind there are at least two people's efforts to consider - model and photographer and possibly MUA), I try to gloss over it.

So with all that in mind, I'd like to thank the sanctimonious pr**k who kindly left a link to a domestic abuse hotline on one of my recent uploads with the comment that the image 'wasn't his style'.
Guess what? I don't give a monkeys. But here's what you can do: you can take your mealy-mouthed White Knightery and shove it hard and deep where the sun doesn't shine. Preferably without lube.

If you don't like the image, fine. But keep it to yourself, eh?

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