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Rutherglen, Glasgow City, United Kingdom - 3866 mi away
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Online 2020-07-17T23:15:17+00:00

Posted on Sunday 12th of April 2020
0 comments • Read 112 times • 1 minute read

Being in the house is boring if you have nothing to do.  Being in the house against your own will, no matter how much you have to do, in frustrating beyond human endurance.  Not because I miss being around people in general (I don't) but because I miss being around people in the industry.  I am desperate to get out and get myself down to Battlefield and into the Mypad Studio with John Robertson, et al; desperate to get the Nikon out and get some shots of models while having the kind of banter that only comes from being in the studio setting with a young lady in some kind of state of undress (even if it's only taking her shoes and socks off).  But, mostly, I miss being out in the street with the freedom to just point and shoot.  I haven't done street portraiture for quite a while because I was concentrating on the studio stuff, and now I miss the street more than anything: the hustle and bustle, the hunt for a good spot to get a great pic, the intensity of walking around town to try and get the shots I want while the light is still good.  I miss that.  I had taken the street stuff for granted and now, like all the best loves you take for granted, it feels like it was a million years ago and may never happen again.
Of course, this is just a melodramatic way of saying 'I'm bored off my tits!'
But, in reality, it's not forever, I know this.  At some point, someone with a Government title is going to stumble across a solution to this and get it sorted.  I doubt it will be our Government (and it won't be the Tango Man's Army across the pond), but SOMEONE will get us to the point where I (and every other tog) can get out of the sodding house and get some pics taken with another human being in them!
Thanks for reading.
And stay safe!

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