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Il-Madliena, Swieqi, Malta - 2651 mi away
67% Response Rate
Online 2024-10-30T18:14:58+00:00

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My first shoot with M, and what a pleasure it turned out to be. I can honestly say that it was an absolute pleasure to work with him in the most relaxed fashion. Pre-shoot communications were free-flowing, open and uninhibited, allowing for the frank discussions which are essential ingredients towards ensuring an absolutely perfect, rewarding and mutually enjoyable shoot.

It was a very comfortable and relaxed shoot as the ideas flowed between us with the anticipated and mutually enjoyable, ease and pleasure.

I would highly recommend M for his thoroughly professional and friendly approach, all conducted in the most gentlemanly of ways, and it is only natural that I am so looking forward to shooting with him again.

Thank you M,

Seline xx

Rating: Positive

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