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#18 of 51

A snap from my fabulous day-long studio shoot with dancer and model Christina Elsom - from another purple place. Christina really is a wonderful person to work with. Her pre-shoot comms were excellent and she arrived at the shoot early and very well prepared.

As a trained dancer, she presents herself to the camera well and can place herself with millimetric accuracy. She has a delightful slim but shapely figure that is perfect for vintage work. Her posture is perfect and her legs seem to go on for ever. Her natural blonde hair catches the light beautifully. She is also 100% tattoo free - not even a small one.

She looks particularly good in vintage corsetry and seems keen to engage in the vintage genre.

More from this shoot: waist.it/2018/09/01/christina-elsom-pinup-fitness-shoot/

So hot she needs a fire extinguisher!

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by waist it

This Pin-Up image was uploaded 2018-10-27T00:35:03+00:00



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