ive always been interested in the whole process of modelling, fashion makeup and photography in general! i love taking pictures of beautiful things around me. all moments that give you a feeling of greatness should be captured and shared with the world. i enjoy editing and trying to find that perfect shot that nobody's done before. if i can use myself as a prop and discover new ways capture something amazing then im all in (: ive always been quite vain in the way of taking pictures of myself! ive done modelling for friends and paid for a professional shoot to gain the knowledge of what it would be like. i must admit at first it was a lot different from taking pictures of yourself and things around you, where you feel at ease with the camera.. but getting into it i found it was fabulous! such an adrenalin and the excitement of seeing what you have produced is the reason i do this. contact me if you can help me proceed with my journey into capturing these moments! (: