Getting ready for the shoot

Getting ready for the shoot
Posted on Friday 15th of January 2016
Written by 0 comments • Read 2399 times • 4 minute read

You've already checked out the photographer and their profiles before you said yes. (Recommended article - 'Before saying yes to a shoot'.) Having sent the photographer your reply, got the date arranged, and swapped contact details, it's now time to get ready for your shoot.

How much or how little you need to do to get ready for a shoot will depend on the shoot itself, your own style, and the levels worked on shoot. If you know the shoot is going to be for artistic nude, no point in packing a bag full of fashion clothes for example. However, having an outfit or two on hand could be useful. Especially if you're artistic nude location shoot just happens to fall on a not so sunny day.

Your shoot theme or style

Check your messages from the photographer, and make sure what you will be packing will match in with the shoot theme, style, or levels arranged. Did the photographer ask you to bring any specific items or colours?

If you are unsure, contact the photographer and ask them if there is anything specific they would like you to bring.


For fashion, unless the clothes are being provided by a designer, stylist, or the photographer, then you should be packing a variety of fashion clothing items. It's recommended to pack more than just one or two outfits, in case one doesn't work with the shoot for whatever reason, or there is a wardrobe malfunction. This will also give the photographer more to work with, than hundreds of images with the model in one outfit, possibly one location, with only varying expressions.

Whatever you choose to pack, select clothes that truly fit your own body size and shape. Clothes that are too tight, or too baggy, will show in the finished images, and will not do you, as the model any justice. Any size or shape can model, it's about working your shape and body to your advantage.

Also consider not selecting clothes that are well worn, threads hanging loose, or with holes in (Unless of course the photographer has asked for it!). Items that are clean, and ironed or pressed when needed will photograph better, than crumpled clothes thrown in from the bedroom floor.


The same as fashion, make sure your chosen swimwear has no holes or signs of wear. Your perfect bikini that's been bleached by multiple uses on the beach last year, probably isn't the best choice for this type of shoot either. Whatever the swimwear type, make sure it's clean, and it fits you.

Also consider if you need any accessories or props to make swimwear stand out. Sunglasses, sarongs, fun beach balls. Again, if you're not sure, contact the photographer before the shoot day.

Lingerie and boudoir

For both of these levels, time spent choosing the right lingerie, will benefit the overall finished images on almost every occasion. Some of the subjects brought up by members on a regular basis include miss matched lingerie, and ill fitting lingerie. If you're shooting more than just a one off shoot, keeping lingerie just for shoots helps to prolong the life of the garment. It means it hasn't been through the wash with your everyday clothes, and hopefully shouldn't have threads hanging loose.

Choose lingerie that fits you. No one is the same exact size, and there is not just one size when it comes to internet modelling. A good fitted lingerie outfit will benefit anyone, of any size or shape. Too tight or small, and you will be dealing with boobs over flowing the bra cup, or rolls above or below the back of any bra strap. Too tight bottoms, and it will make your stomach area or thighs look bigger. In the same way, choose too big, and the gap between the bra and boob will be seen. Also note that different brands and shops measure sizes differently.

Choose matching items. If you're going to buy lingerie for a photo shoot, don't just purchase the bra, and turn up in totally different coloured knickers (unless the photographer has asked for it!)

Plan for lingerie disasters. It happens, and always at the most inconvenient time. Pack spare lingerie. Got a black bra? Pack a plain black thong or knickers as your back up. It will look ten times better than trying to match your new bra to your Bridget Jones knickers you arrived in. Not sure what lingerie lines will show on the images or through any clothes being worn? My tip is to always pack a thong or G-string to allow for this, as well as your normal lingerie choices for shoots.

Don't forget it's not just the lingerie, but the whole package. Think about any stockings, tights, suspenders, heels etc that may be needed as well. Accessories to complete the look, or a nice kimono or satin dressing gown.

Artistic nude

Some models have the gift of just turning up to a shoot with nothing packed, and getting amazing artistic nude images. Others, well aren't so lucky. Even with a nude shoot being booked, there's nothing wrong with packing a nice lingerie set, or fashion outfit in case the plan changes. Take a dressing gown, or something to put on easily on shoot breaks, especially if you're on location.

The extra bits

Is there a makeup artist arranged for the shoot? If not, then taking your own makeup for changing or touching up a look is essential. Take a hair brush, because no one ever walks off a train or public bus with perfect hair, ever. Hair spray for fly away hairs, and lip balm to stop chapped lips are just two more extra bits worthwhile packing.

Don't forget your I.D, and any money needed for travelling.

Whatever your shoot, make sure your kit items are clean, fit your figure well, and suit the levels being shot. That will help to put you, and the photographer one step closer to that creative shot you've been wanting.


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