A brief how to guide for new models written (shock horror) by a photographer Part II

A brief how to guide for new models written (shock horror) by a photographer Part II
Posted on Saturday 25th of March 2017
Written by 4 comments • Read 1507 times • 4 minute read

I've signed up to a modelling site, what's next? 
Expect immediate followers from photographers, clients, designers etc. etc. etc. You'll get messages offering you everything from "free portfolio shoots" to "fame and fortune" and other messages asking if you're prepared to shoot topless, nudes, erotica or adult. Some of these might be genuine, others might not be.

Take a deep breath...
You don't have to reply to everybody straight away and please please don't be put off if you're receiving inappropriate requests.

Inappropriate requests
REPORT, REPORT, REPORT - I cannot stress this enough - Any message that asks you to model beyond your stated levels is inappropriate, any message asking for an "adult shoot" is inappropriate.
If you are interested in shooting erotica or glamour but you are not comfortable working topless or nude you may get some numpty writing to tell you that you need to be working topless or nude... ignore them.

Look at profiles
Regardless of what somebody claims in their messages or profile notes take a long hard look at their photography.
If you only shoot to fashion and their portfolio is filled with nudes you would be wise to question their intentions.
If they say they have years of experience and only have a few low quality images to show for it, they are probably a fraud.
If they state years of experience and every image looks the same - it might be worth a shoot but don't expect more than a couple of useable images.

Everybody wants TF
As a new model most of the offers of work you receive will be for TF; TF (Time For) this is where a model gives their time posing in exchange for images.
As above, look at the profiles and gauge the quality of images you are likely to receive and if the photographer's style suits you. Some may try to pressure you into accepting work with them by saying you MUST DO TF to build your portfolio - whilst this might be true, YOU get to choose who you will work with on a TF basis not them.

Responding to messages
Try to reply to all of the genuine messages, even if it's a simple "Thanks but no thanks" - report anything that seems "dodgy"
Keep your reply polite even if you are declining their offer.
If you are declining a TF shoot you can always respond with your rates or an offer of half pay/half TF.
Don't be afraid to ask for more information, especially if you are unsure what somebody is requesting of you.
Ask for examples of images that they want to create - whether it's from their own portfolio or in the form of a mood board.

Look at a photographers references, contact some of the model's independantly for verification.

The Forums
Say "Hello" and introduce yourself there - this is a friendly site and if you have any questions, at any time, just ask.
There is no such thing as a stupid question.

Casting Calls
Whether you are looking for paid work or to enhance your portfolio with a TF shoot put up a casting call.
I would very much advise against casting calls asking for pay and a portfolio enhancement - any photographer worth their salt will ignore it, and worse will probably not want to work with you in the future. Photographers who do reply are unlikely to be able to provide you with quality images.

Very much a personal choice and a hot topic in the forums... The best and most experienced Internet models usually charge between £20-30ph.
Until you have a strong portfolio be prepared to work TF or part pay/part TF with the better photographers.
Avoid stripper rates (a sliding scale ranging from £n per hour for fashion to £n+n+n nude), serious photographers want to work with you for your ability to pose not the amount of clothes your are/are not wearing.
If you do set stripper rates you may well be narrowing your market.
I have known some models who keep rates off their profiles completely and negotiate according to the quality of work a photographer produces and how much they want to work with that photographer.

Now that all of the serious stuff has been said...
Get out there and have some fun smile

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