Image watermarks

 profile photo
Posted on Friday 31st of August 2012
1 minute read • Read 1658 times


Your images security is very important to MadcowModels, and so we now offer the ability to quickly and easily overlay a watermark on your images.

We have 2 different watermarks, and you can adjust the position of these.

We have a MadcowModels logo watermark, which is very faint so that it doesn't destroy your viewing experience. The watermark stretches the full width of the image for maximum security.
This can be positioned at the top, middle or bottom of an image.

There is also a more "customised" watermark, which consists of your username and the MadcowModels URL. This can be positioned at either the top or bottom of your image.

You can view an album containing an example of the watermarks, here:

This album contains examples of the watermarks we use, and you can add a watermark to your images by going to Your Photo Manager, and clicking on an image to open the editor.

Watermark images apply to free members and visitors/non members, Premium and TopMembers will not see watermarks on images.

As this album is an example album, I've added the watermarks for everyone, so that everyone can see what they look like :)

You can add a watermark to your images by going to your "Photo Manager", and clicking on the image you wish to add one to.

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