Changes to the visibility of adult rated images

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Posted on Wednesday 19th of October 2011
1 minute read • Read 1605 times


We currently have a work safe mode feature which if switched on, doesn't allow you to view adult rated images. When turned off, the website is "unfiltered".

We realise that this isn't the perfect solution. Just because you want to look at images categorised as glamour or lingerie for example, doesn't mean you want "Adult" photos appearing on your screen.

Rather than banning the upload of adult images (though there are rules on what is and isn't accepted), instead we've restricted how they can be viewed and where they will be displayed.

[subheader]Whats changed?[/subheader]

1) Work Safe Mode can not be turned off by non-members, to prevent under-18's from being able to turn it off.

2) Adult images will not appear on the front page, regardless of whether you have "Work safe mode" on or off.

3) Adult images will not appear on your user alerts stream on your control panel, regardless of whether you have "Work safe mode" on or off.

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