Link to us and Profile card

 profile photo
Posted on Sunday 29th of May 2011
1 minute read • Read 5796 times


We've just introduced several new ways to link to us, as well as a few profile sharing updates..

[subheader]Link to us[/subheader]
By going to the Link to Us page ( ), you will now find 2 different graphics which you can use to link back to us from your own website, or another forum/blog.

If you're a member and signed in, the codes presented will also attached your referral ID - so if someone clicks that image and signs up, you get a free month of Top Membership.

More info:

[subheader]Profile Card[/subheader]
If you're a member, and logged in, by going to the "Link to Us" page you can find a code to link back to your profile.

The code will display some basic information about you and your profile, for example mine looks like:


We have 2 versions of the Profile Card, a thumbnail picture version and full image version, feel free to use either.

[subheader]More Profile Sharing Options[/subheader]
At the bottom of every single member profile on MadcowModels is a sharing bar, which allows you to share a profile on Facebook, twitter etc etc.

Underneath this sharing bar is a new link titled "More sharing options". A box will then display allowing you to share the profile on many more networks, such as Bebo, Wordpress, allow you to email the link to a friend, like us on Facebook, and find our Twitter page.


The MadcowModels Team

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