This Weeks Site Update Roundup WC 22nd Feb

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Posted on Monday 22nd of February 2016
1 minute read • Read 1401 times

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Less updates this week, but the updates are generally bigger in size/commitment!

[subheader]Message Folders[/subheader]
One of the biggest updates this week is the introduction of inbox folders! You can now arrange and organise your messages, so that those of you who like a zero inbox can achieve such!

You can get started by going to "Messages" and creating a new folder. You can drag and drop your messages easily between folders! :)

[subheader]Message Layout Updates[/subheader]
We've also updated the layout to the message pages! Messages now appear with the newest at the bottom, with the overall message page sizing itself to your screen.

We've also tidied the message page up, removed some of the fuss and streamlined the whole experience :)

[subheader]Gallery Updates[/subheader]
We're testing the removal of image categories, and showing the image waterfall instead. Click analysis has shown that most people would ignore categories and go straight for the "All Images" link.

So far, we've seen around a 60% increase in image views when looking week on week :)

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