organise your photos in photo albums

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Posted on Saturday 5th of May 2012
1 minute read • Read 2239 times


You can now organise your photos on MadcowModels into photo albums!

To provide you with the greatest flexibility to organise your photos exactly how you wish there are no limits as to how many albums you can have, or how many albums a photo can be placed in. The thinking behind this is that you may wish to organise the photos by models/photographers you've worked with, or even have a portfolio album of your best images and albums of experimental styles. The possibilities are endless!

[subheader]Can I add photos I'm tagged in to albums?[/subheader]
At this stage no, but that functionality will be added soon.

[subheader]How do I reorder my albums?[/subheader]
To reorder the images in your album(s), go to "Photo Manager" from Your Control Panel, and click "Organise Albums". On the right hand side you can drag and drop your images, and on the left hand side, you can drag and drop the order you'd like your albums to appear in.

[subheader]Do I have to put my photos in albums?[/subheader]
No, if you do not create any photo albums, then your gallery page will remain exactly the same. If less than 75% of your photos are put in albums, your original gallery page will appear beneath your albums.

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